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November 22, 2008
Movie Trailer: American History X
Because we all know that being against race-based preferences is akin to flaming racism.

Looking beyond the obligatory kick in the clackers of the political right and the obtuse display of American flags (and thus making them a symbol of white racism), this movie has plenty going for it. The story of a neo-Nazi who reforms in prison and is then released to find his beloved younger brother heading down the same path is a riveting conflict to watch unfold. At the center of the production, Edward Norton gives one of the better performances of his career. If you can ignore the clumsy attachments director Tony Kaye makes between Nazism and pro-American conservative thought (not an easy concession to make in the final moments of the film) then you will find a interesting drama.

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Screenwriter: David McKeanna (Blow)
Director: Tony Kane (Snow Blind)
Actors: Edward Norton (The Illusionist), Edward Furlong (The Visitation), Beverly D'Angelo (National Lampoon's Vacation), Avery Brooks, Elliott Gould (M*A*S*H) and Stacy Keach (Mercy Streets)

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