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November 20, 2008
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
***Originally posted on March 3, 2006***

Should I see it?

A film so good it makes me forget I wanted to loathe it.

This is a very sharp and fulfilling opening to what will most likely be the largest grossing film franchise of all time. Given the wild popularity of the book series by J.K. Rowling, this production had a great deal riding on its shoulders. Ask the writers and producers of the Left Behind films how important first impressions are in cinema. If this film had failed on any level the subsequent films would all be marred by the experience.

This isn’t my kind of movie. It’s very simple and, let’s face it, pretty dumb. The idea of a school of wizardry and whatnot is goofy, in my opinion. Given my disposition against this film, I am surprised to admit that I did enjoy it. This film is a perfect example in how the classic act structure and heroic character can make even the dumbest of ideas work. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ll simply point out that there is a set structure to storytelling that, when utilized, forces a cohesive narrative, which we humans inherently enjoy (see the image below for a hint of what I'm talking about.)

I found two things to be striking about this film. First, like The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, this film begins fully realized. Many of you are probably thinking “Well DUH! It’s based on a book!” Simply because a film is an adaptation doesn’t mean the production is going to work properly. The depth of detail and the level of consistency in the production is a marvel. This film has a singular look and feel that is uncommon to see. In many franchises the look and feel takes some time to take hold. Like Lord of The Rings, this production is unique to itself and offers a complete package.

The second striking part of this film is the acting. Daniel Radcliffe was apparently born to play the role of Harry Potter. His command of the screen and his talent is remarkable for a child. In addition, his supporting cast Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Tom Felton are equally as brilliant in their roles. As someone who normally would rather gargle Vaseline than watch child actors, I found the level of quality these kids attained remarkable.

This film may go down as the best establishing film since Star Wars, or at least Back to The Future. Once the audience makes it through the clunky opening scenes it is very hard to easily turn away from this production. I understand that many Christians and others who are hesitant or downright hostile towards this product because of the use of witchcraft. I say ease up on this series. I am a committed Christian and find the level of concern I have seen, misplaced. This film and story are innocuous and promote many Biblical ideals.

Overall, this is a quality production that is worthy of the hype and hysteria is has caused. All adaptations should dream of projecting this much strength from its root material.

Related Reviews:
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)
Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire (2005)

Other Critic's Reviews:
Qwipster's Movie Reviews
DVD Verdict

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