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November 18, 2008
Movie Trailer: Star Trek
I see this and it's not exciting, it's not compelling, it is just sad. I don't say this as some hyperventilating Trekkie cranky the original has been dissed. I say this as someone who feels like our water supply is being replaced by Brawndo. As a people, we are what our culture creates, it reflects us. We're creating nothing. We're just fumbling with the corporate baubles of our parent's generation and telling ourselves its treasure. Sure, this flick will tickle your eyes for ninety minutes but so what? So will a screen saver. When is this derivative culture going to end? I'd joke and say "when we start to remake the remakes" but we all know that's not true.

Okay, enough of my bellyaching about stagnant culture. On with the trailer.

If you don't find yourself rolling your eyes over the opening sequence, your standards are way too low (read: you're part of the problem). This really isn't that great of a set up. It relies heavily on the expectation that it have the depth of Nolan's Batman franchise redesign while also throwing in nonsense like the opening sequence. This is a conflicted message. What we will most likely get is a movie that acts serious but isn't. Since its intended for modern tastes expect lots of dramatic moments completely void of any meaning. Its Trek for beyond the geek set.

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Screenwriters: Roberto Orci (Mission Impossible III) and Alex Kurtzman (Transformers)
JJ Abrams (Mission Impossible III)
Actors: Chris Pine (Smokin' Aces), Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana (Troy), Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz), Zoe Saldana (Vantage Point), John Cho (Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay) and Karl Urban (Doom)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like revisionist history again.
I’m reminded of Highlander II or perhaps Star Wars, the early years...
I’m just wondering who will play Jar Jar Binks.

Just think in 10 years we can look forward to Star Trek Wars – the animated series!

November 24, 2008 at 3:37 PM  

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