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November 15, 2008
Movie Trailer: 2012
There's big and dumb and then there's Roland Emmerich who sells bigger and dumber.

The master of disaster is back with yet another end of the world scenario. If this is like his other efforts, I'll sit there begging that whatever disaster I'm watching snuffs me out so I don't have to sit through the final act.

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Screenwriters: Harald Kloser (10,000 B.C.) and Roland Emmerich (The Day After Tomorrow)
Roland Emmerich (Godzilla)
Actors: Thandie Newton (Norbit), John Cusack (1408), Amanda Peet (The Whole Nine Yards), Woody Harrelson (No Country for Old Men), Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Redbelt) and Oliver Platt (Casanova)

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