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November 14, 2008
Carnival of Cinema: Episode 100 - Blog Up
Welcome to the 100th edition of the Carnival of Cinema. 100 great collections of links to the best in movie reviews, film commentary and industry advice. Thanks to everyone who has supported the Carnival all this time and helped us reach this milestone.

We begin this week with the big flick o' the week, Quantum of Solace. I still can't get over this title. This is a Bond movie and they go with Quantum of Solace? It sounds like the producer copied the title from an undergrad art student's gallery display. I guess if you're hoping they're going to back off from the mopey, angst-ridden Bond route you'll be sorely disappointed.

We have a bushel of reviews on the new James Blond movie.

First up, Naomi Stevens from DIARY FROM ENGLAND gives a rundown on the premiere of the film at the Odeon in London’s Leicester Square and also provides the trailer.

Next, MANNY THE MOVIE GUY attempts to channel 007 but...well, fails.

For a decisive review of the film head on over to THE CRITICAL CRITICS where General Disdain distributes his opinion.

The final Bond review this week comes from Ved of VED'S 70MM-MOVIES & ENTERTAINMENT. Ved has seen the film and lays out the pros and cons.

Mia and Christina watch Zack and Miri Make A Porno

Listen, if that doesn't get to click on the link I don't know what will.

Head over to LIVIN' THE DREAM (ONE LOSER AT A TIME) for more.

The second post about Zack & Miri Make a Porno comes from QUEST FOR THE ONE.

If you're not interested in people making a porno then how about people making a completely unnecessary biopic?

Oliver Stone's W. wafted in and out of the cinema (its lingering in some houses out there still). Over at BOHEMIAN CINEMA Jonathan Pachco has a review of the film.

If you click over to OBSERVATIONS FROM MISSY'S WINDOW you will observe Missy observing from said window that Chris Rock's remake of Death at a Funeral should have remained unmade.

Sean Kelly is up next with his reviews of Role Models and Charlie Kaufman's Synecdoche, New York.

For something else that is new check out what WESTMINSTER WISDOM has cooking. Gracchi, who is given to reviewing obscure British labor (or is that labour) documentaries from the early 1900's fires up a review this week of Terence Davis' Of Time and the City released just days ago.

If you're a Catholic homosexual from Liverpool, you finally have a voice. Go read Gracchi's post, you'll understand.

If new ain't for you then get a load of the old.

Orson DeWelles, the CLASSIC FILM FREAK offers you a review this week on the 1961 soundtrack for Mysterious Island.

A blurb from Charlie Chaplin's from My Autobiography is posted by Bluzica at WORTH TO BE BLOGGING.

Maybe if the new isn't your thing, and old is too...well, old; maybe you need to see some stuff completely off the radar.

Tony Huynh has posted his student films on YouTube. Get em' while they're fresh over at LIMITLESSUNITS.COM.

Mac is all over the place this week with a round-up of what's going on with a bunch of actors over at his site ACTORLICIOUS.

Closing things up this week is Rhonda Leigh Jones who offers a look at the reasons for the extreme popularity the Joker of The Dark Knight movie has had with female fans of the franchise. For more head over to her site, RHONDALEIGHJONES.COM.

…and CUT!…and PRINT!

Thanks to everyone for their submissions. Another great set of posts.
Do you have an opinion or article about the film industry? Have you reviewed a film or DVD? Have any tips on breaking into the biz? Send submissions HERE for next week’s edition.

Be the first blog on your street to post in the Carnival of Cinema.

Other carnival editions:
Carnival of Cinema: Episode I
Carnival of Cinema: Episode II
Carnival of Cinema: Episode III
Carnival of Cinema: Episode IV

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Anonymous Christina said...

Congrats for the hundred. Thanks for the link.

November 14, 2008 at 8:51 AM  

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