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November 11, 2008
Movie Watching Tip: Political Film
With the release of An American Carol the "conservative film" has received a shot in the arm. Openly conservative politics used to be relegated to limited release documentaries such as Fahrenhype 9/11 or Michael Moore Hates America. The conservatives could not break into the fictional arena until very recently. Sure there are conservatively moral movies out there and there's certainly a lively Christian film market but political content has been lagging behind. An American Carol certainly wasn't a barn burner and didn't set any records at the box office. What it did do is chip away at the liberal domination of the industry. Now, this may just be a spoonful of dirt off a mountain but it's a move just the same.

When watching a politically charged movie (left or right), I'd advise being twice as careful with the ones you agree with. Political movies are always propaganda, there's no getting around it. When that propaganda disagrees with your natural inclinations it's easy to see the bias and manipulation. When it is something you can get into, your B.S. detectors may be disabled. Remember that just because you agree with something doesn't mean it's right. Pay attention to how things are being phrased, displayed and handled. Are you being manipulated and if so, how? Never let political friendly images blind you to the fact that the filmmaker is trying to change you to their point-of-view.

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