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November 14, 2008
Comment of the day
I get plenty of comments and e-mails from readers. A good portion are anonymous comments from passing trolls who don't appreciate my acidic style.

On my post regarding the trailer for Fling (Lie to Me) I said "A pair of self-absorbed jerks sleep around on each other and pretend it doesn't matter until they begin to have feelings for their sack partners. Personally, I'm getting too old to be titillated by this and seen enough films to know this is just depraved content for the sake of being depraved (sex sells y'know)." The thing is that I wrote "deprived" instead of "depraved". No big deal, I write more in one week than most people read in one month, brain farts will happen.

Well, the aforementioned brain fart was brought to my attention by a humorless troll. It wrote me a little comment citing the definition of "depraved" and then whined that I was judging the movie before seeing it. I read the comment, thankful for the correction, they're always welcome, and promptly deleted it since I no longer accept anonymous comments - I put my name on things, why shouldn't they?

Well, the troll came back today with this:

"Nice save on the "deprived" typo there, you ignorant coward. Why do you love judging others so much that you'll judge things without seeing them? That's a sad life, my friend. "

Okay, if you're going to goad me, let's have at it. Besides it brings up a point I want to explore.

#1. Don't toss out coward and then refuse to provide your own identify. it kinda cuts into your attack.

#2. You admit its a typo which means you already know it wasn't a mistake based in knowledge but rather in editing. Why bother getting whipped up over it?

#3. Moving on to "judging others". I wasn't judging others, I was judging their works. You will find this kind of thing when reading a website that has at it's core mission to review products. The trailer and the product it was promoting was being reviewed. My slamming the trailer doesn't mean I loathe the people behind it. This is like me complaining that Pepsi One "tastes more like Pepsi Number Two" and having it taken to mean I think Chairwoman/CEO of Pepsico Indra K. Nooyi is a bad person.

#4. The last thing I want to get into is my reviews of trailers. I've gotten plenty of anonymous comments from those who are so enamored with entertainment culture than when someone poo-poos on their favorite actor or director they are sent into a hyperventilating tantrum like I just told them their girlfriend is ugly (which is she, but I have the good grace not to pick on her). Here is the scoop on the movie trailer reviews: movie trailers are advertisements that are selling a product. They can be clever, they can even be artful, but they're just commercials. The intent of these commercials is to get me to consider their product, the movie. I know how trailers work, I know how they try to sell their product. I review the content of the trailers and offer my thoughts. Often I can make educated guesses at the likelihood of the quality of the film based on its advertising. Can I be wrong? Sure...I haven't been yet, but its bound to occur. You do not need to see the whole film to decide if it is something worth sitting through - that's the whole point of the trailer in the first place. If someone hands me a warm, heavy sack with the words "barf bag" written on the outside, I can pretty much discern the contents without having to spill them out on the carpet for closer inspection.

Tell you what my trolly friend, you come back and give us your name. I will post whatever comment you have right here. I'll even go one step further. If you would like to send me your own thoughts on the trailer, I will post them with the only condition that I will not accept foul language - you are a troll after all. I will even clean up your spelling. I am certain that your fumbling, sophomoric thoughts will be a serious treat for everyone involved. I'm confident you won't however since you'd have to give your name which I assume means the local authorities will realize you've been using your computer again despite that court order stemming from that molestation business back in '97.

You see, when you go anonymous you don't actually exist and I get to make up stuff about you all day long.

Good day.

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Anonymous Wes said...

You really cracked me up with this post. I totally agree with everything you said.

I think it's pathetic that a troll would attack you on a personal level for your criticism of a movie trailer.

And he/she/it has the audacity to suggest that you have "a sad life"?

November 15, 2008 at 11:26 PM  
Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

Dang! I only use my name because it's the same as a famous author.

November 18, 2008 at 1:42 PM  

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