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November 16, 2008
Movie Trailer: Los Cronocrímenes (Timecrimes)
Finally hitting a limited release next month, this small time travel movie from Nacho Vigalondo looks like it may live up the hype its gotten. The problem with most time travel movies is that they skirt around the logical complications of such actions. This film seems to revel in them. A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels an hour in the past. There he runs into the inventor of the machine. The inventor explains that he must not interfere with himself getting into the machine but things get complicated.

Screenwriters: Nacho Vigalondo
Nacho Vigalondo
Actors: Karra Elejalde, Barbara Goenaga, Nacho Vigalondo and Candela Fernández

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Anonymous Krispy said...

Magnet is becoming a film studio that I think I can trust. They released Let The Right One In, which I did enjoy, and they were behind Splinter, a fun, tight little b-movie. This one looks good, too.

April 15, 2009 at 5:52 AM  

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