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November 16, 2008
Movie Trailer: Up
To be honest, it doesn't look like much. Based on the trailer, its hard to see how this is anything but a short. This is Pixar and I'm not going to bet against them. They know what they're doing and have the best track record possibly of any other production company. Obviously, there's more to the story than is shown here.

Up? There's a Russ Meyer porno penned by Roger Ebert (yes, that Roger Ebert and yes, he wrote pornography) of the same name. Hate to think of people getting that mixed up with a kid's flick.

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Screenwriters: Bob Peterson (Finding Nemo)
Director: Peter Docter (Monsters, Inc.) and Bob Peterson
Actors: Christopher Plummer (Syriana), John Ratzenberger (Cars) and Edward Asner (JFK)

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Anonymous Joi said...

It's worth noting that Pixar does this with almost every movie they make. Little bits and pieces come out in the trailers, but you never get anything about the actual storyline, or in the rare case that you do, it's much much closer to the release date. Personally, I'm grateful. I'm tired of feeling like I already know what's going to happen as soon as I step into the theater.

The trailer made me laugh like a little kid, as Pixar trailers almost always do, so I'm more than willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Can't wait to see the film!

November 16, 2008 at 8:50 PM  

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