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November 21, 2008
The Hammer (2007)
Should I see it?
Yes, believe it or not.

The Hammer

Adam Carolla is one of those guys people seem to love or hate. I've noticed that his appeal seems dependent on which side of the gender divide you're on. His sarcastic, nasally delivery may irritate some people but, I think the guy is pretty good.

This film is a good vehicle for Carolla's blue collar wit and displays him well. He plays Jerry Ferro, a forty year old loser who gets a second chance at the boxing career he left behind in his youth. Will Ferro finally get his life together, get the girl and succeed at boxing? Well, of course he does, this film will win no prizes for narrative originality. Where the film shines is with the approachable script and Carolla's charismatic performance. Everyone I know who has seen this film has had the same reaction I had, pleasant surprise. It's a simple movie and offers a simple pleasure.

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