Welcome to the Carnival of Cinema. Each week we present the best cinema related posts from around the world. If you’re searching for great film reviews, commentary or industry advice you can find it all right here.
To kick things off this week over at LOVE, LUST and LIFE you will find a list of 30+ romantic movies. Each movie has a link to see a trailer or clip. Everyone is encouraged to leave a comment to add there favorite and by popularity the list will grow.
Next we move to dual reviews of the new animated flick Bolt.
First, MANNY THE MOVIE GUY gives us a look at the Disney movie.
Second, THE REVIEWER gives us a look at the Disney movie.
Are you a big fan of hype? Do you just love corporate marketing? In intrusion of commercials into your life make you happy? Then you must love Twilight.
To feed your corporate marketing induced desires we have a couple of posts covering this new release.
First, HerculesRob of THE ENTERTAINMENT BLUR gives us a look at the vampire movie.
Second, Jean Brunet of SIZZLING POPCORN gives us a look at the vampire movie.
That's not enough for you? Fine. Jean will also throw in a free interview with Dutch director/producer Jelmar Hufen.Who is
Jelmar Hufen? Well go over to Jean's site and find out.

If Vinnie
Barbarino playing a dog or
Transylvania 90210 doesn't thrill you maybe you'll want to try checking out James Blond in
Quantum of Solace punching bad guys in the neck and then acting all mopey in front of M. This week we have two reviews.
First, Newman of
a look at the Bond film.
Second, Sean Kelly of SEAN KELLY ON MOVIES gives us a look at the Bond film.
That's not enough for you? Fine. Sean will also throw in a free review of Slumdog Millionaire.What is
Slumdog Millionaire? Well go over to Sean's site and find out.
And now for something completely different...
Bluzica of WORTH TO BE BLOGGED displays a quote from Ingrid: Ingrid Bergman, a Personal Biography.
Oscar season isn't here yet but that won't stop people from considering who deserves the fruits of everyone's favorite industry trade show. We have a pair of folks mulling the Oscars this week.
First, Mac of ACTORLICIOUS considers if Chapter 27's Jared Leto should nab a Best Actor nomination .
Second, HerculesRob returns to consider if The Dark Knight should nab a Best Picture nomination.
Don't you just love it when filmmakers and other artists shoehorn in their petty political beliefs into their works? Personally, I loathe it. Keep unprompted political hackery where it belongs, in movie reviews (readers of the site know what I'm talking about).
Amelinckx of
the combination of art and politics.
Is it safe?
If you think that question is confusing, how about "What does the Marathon Man have to do with financial planning?" What? Click over to
CANDIAN PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG to read Big Cajun Man's answer.
Next, we have a pair of unrelated reviews.
First, General Disdain of THE CRITICAL CRITICS gives us a look at the movie Role Models.
Second, Switch2Life of MOVIE REVIEWS gives us a look at the movie Jane Tu Ya Jane Na.
We close this week with two different types of blasphemy.
First, Tom of
HYPEDWORLD gives us a post on
the new Star Trek movie, along with a trailer.
Second, we have some actual blasphemy from Carnival regular Christina M. Rau of LIVING THE DREAM (ONE LOSER AT A TIME). She gives her thoughts on The Last Temptation of Christ. For the more theologically minded, a warning - she titles the post Blasphemy, But Not My Fault for a reason.
If you have a movie review, industry advice or commentary why not submit it to The Carnival of Cinema. The Cinema is published weekly and is a great way to get your work seen and read. Submit your cinema related post HERE.
Previous Carnival editions:
Carnival of Cinema Episode 2
Carnival of Cinema Episode 16
Carnival of Cinema Episode 33
Carnival of Cinema Episode 46
Labels: Carnival of Cinema, links
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