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November 21, 2008
Movie Trailer: The Wrestler
I've been hearing nothing but great things about this, in particular Mickey Rourke's performance. Darren Aronofsky is a very deliberate and clever filmmaker. He tends to drift into the esoteric and borders on being boring are times. Its like he has brainy Tourette's, he's cooking along and then blurts out clips of philosophy or quantum mechanics. Despite his feeding these urges, he has made some wonderfully crafted films (Pi, Requiem for a Dream). This is one of those films that has a certain gravity to it. The trailer is an ad and like most commercials for movies it claims this is a great film. Usually when I hear these claims I ignore them. My gut is telling me otherwise here.

Time will tell.

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Screenwriters: Robert D. Siegel (The Onion Movie)
Darren Aronofsky (Pi)
Actors: Mickey Rourke (Sin City), Marisa Tomei (Before the Devil Knows You're Dead), Evan Rachel Wood (Across the Universe) and Mark Margolis (Gone Baby Gone)

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Anonymous Darrell said...

My hopes are sky-high for this one. Mickey Rourke is a talented actor who's often been his own worst enemy. Aronofsky is capable of brilliance (I recommend "Requiem for a Dream" with GIGANTIC qualifications for anyone who wants to see a gripping, creative, demanding, brutal film about addiction). This could be the first real indication that Aronofsky can marry his distinct directorial skills with mainstream viability. Best case scenario: this might be my favorite movie of 2008, a year that's turned out several films I've loved. Fingers crossed.

November 22, 2008 at 12:45 PM  
Anonymous Zombie said...

Caught an early screening of this one a couple weeks ago - loved it. Up there with Ballast and Rachel Getting Married as my favorite films this year. We posted our review over here, in case you want to check it out:


November 25, 2008 at 12:01 PM  

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