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December 5, 2008
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets (2007)
Should I see it?

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets

A nearly unwatchable follow up to the less than impressive original National Treasure. This film suffers from not having a real purpose for being made. The original film ended on a conclusive note. Reviving the characters for another adventure seems unnecessary other than for the hopes of making a few more bucks. The original was irrational enough, this outing involving the secrets of John Wilkes Booth's diary that shows the hero, historian Ben Gates' (Nicholas Cage) great grandfather was a co-conspirator in Abraham Lincoln's assassination. The plot then weaves a path utilizing historical references, treasures and locations at every turn.

Ultimately this is a hollow movie with a bunch of plot contrivances and historical pseudo-facts thrown in to make it look like there's something going on.

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