M (1931)
This classic German film from Fritz Lang (Metropolis) is truly timeless. The story tells of a hunt for a brutal pedophile played brilliantly by Peter Lorre. Most people know Lorre as the frog-eyed, sweaty guy from Casablanca or The Maltese Falcon. The police have difficulty finding the elusive murderer and begin to disrupt organized crime’s business across the city. Before too long, the gangs of underground criminals join the manhunt. Lorre’s portrayal will stay with you. He gives us one the great screen villains of all time and cinema’s first serial killer. Even with his jerky, stylized performance, Lorre is still better than most modern actors in similar roles.The Good Earth (1937)

Some audience members may have trouble with this film since it has a white actors portraying Chinese characters. The overall film overcomes this racial distraction. Based on the novel by Pearl S. Buck, the film Follows the life of a simple farmer Wang (Paul Muni - who couldn't look less Chinese) who sees his fortunes rise and fall along with his dutiful wife O'Lan (Luise Rainer). While long, the run time is over two hours, the film is well constructed and expertly delivered.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
I consider this to be one of the films everyone should see once before they die. It is darn near flawless. Jimmy Stewart gives one of his best performances as Jefferson Smith, a simple man who is appointed to the U.S. Senate by local bosses. The idealistic Smith runs into the cynicism and cruelty of American politics and sets out to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming opposition. Supporting Stewart, Jean Arthur and Thomas Mitchell shine in their roles as Washington insiders who are amazed and concerned for the naive Smith.Frank Capra was a national treasure and his films remind us of how wonderful film can be when handled properly. Labels: movie recommendations
Ah, Frank Capra...My hero (no, really!) Have you read his autobiography, The Name Above the Title? It's a good book, and Capra was a smart man.
Mr. Smith is one of my top ten films. Hard to watch it and not be inspired.
I haven't read it. Capra is one of the greats. You're absolutely right about being inspired. That's one of the things I love about Capra is that you're a better person for seeing his works - that is a rare thing to say about a director.
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