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November 30, 2008
Movie Trailer: Apocalypto
By watching this you may think this was a great work investigating the fall of the Mayan Civilization. with a look at the stark connections between the all consuming empires of old and that of the West today. What you really get is a common chase movie dressed up with Jungle Book backdrops.

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Screenwriter: Mel Gibson (Passion of the Christ) and Farhad Safinia
Director: Mel Gibson (Braveheart)
Actors: Rudy Youngblood and Dalia Hernández

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Anonymous pgepps said...

Granted that Gibson isn't really giving us Lord of the Rings does History Channel, here, I did think it was interesting how the simplistic (culpably) plot did manage to suggest a cross-section, and to draw into question the commonly received narratives about Meso-American cultures and conquistadores. This isn't going to make me think a bunch of Spanish Papists with tin pots on their heads were saints, mind you--but it did open up the question, again, for our re-thinking. I thought that was worthy.

December 1, 2008 at 12:59 AM  

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