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November 26, 2008
Thr3e (2006)
Should I see it?

Short Review:
It’s the film Saw, but for Christians.

This is a lowly derivative of the film Saw. Since Saw and its subsequent films are a derivative of the far superior Se7en, this movie can trace its lineage there as well. Its not shocking to discover that Thr3e is less than Se7en.

The story has a psycho who forces his victims into deadly games like Saw and does so out of moral conviction, like Se7en. If my continual referencing to Saw and Se7en is a bit monotonous, wait until you see this film. The only thing new to be found with this retread work is the level of tediousness it reaches.

Director Robby Henson (The Visitation) along with Alan B. McElroy (Left Behind) saps any tension from the piece. What we’re left with is a series of poorly shot scenes of dialog and mood lighting. There’s no character development, plot work or tone. One could have taken random scenes of suspense from a dozen network shows, strung them together with discount background music and have achieved the same result.

Do yourself the favor, forget this film was ever made. Go back to the source, David Fincher’s Se7en. It is a high quality film that does its job. It holds a stunningly powerful moral message, while it also entertains. Yes, it is full of ugliness and gore but all of that is in context. I’ll take appropriate ugliness and gore over inept foolishness any day.

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