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November 24, 2008
16 Blocks (2006)
Should I see it?

Short Review:
It's like everyone made this film while waiting to make something better.

16 Blocks

It certainly seems like Bruce Willis sometimes makes movies just to be in movies. He has makes blockbuster Hollywood films (Die Hard, Armageddon,) and fields more high-concept fare (Pulp Fiction, The Sixth Sense, Sin City, 12 Monkeys.) Then there is a third pillar of work that acts career filler, a line of tin eared guy movies with a heart of gold (Hostage, Tears of The Sun, Hart’s War) that are neither dreadful or successful. It is as if Willis wants to be seen as sensitive while he kills people. This third type of film tries to have a message but isn’t cooked enough to be served that hot. In most cases, these films are bland, wishy-washy pieces without the potency of neither a message nor the attraction of lots of explosions. Most actors of Willis’ drawing power would probably pass on such projects and keep to making the big-ticket, sure-fire productions. Perhaps he signs on to these projects because he can’t stand the idea of Michael Chiklis getting more roles. Obviously, I have gone down this road because this film is one of Willis’ empty-calorie efforts.

This film has some moments to save it from wasting all of your time but not enough to make you want to see it twice. The film tells the story of weary, drunk cop Jack Mosley (Willis) who runs into a spot of trouble while trying to get witness Eddie Bunker (Mos Def) to court. A collection of corrupt cops need to have Bunker killed and proceed to shoot up sixteen, well populated, urban blocks in their effort. This is the kind of plot that works great during fanciful talks over drinks but falls apart when it meets the paper. Since cops aren’t given to starting running gun battles in busy city streets, even to save their own hides, the story never gets beyond feeling like a cheap movie. With a better-developed script and a more realistic path for the plot to expand, this could have been a far better movie. Then again, with better grammar, more patience and better connections, I’d be a better reviewer so I guess life ain’t fair.

Willis gives a stock performance. He replays his role from Hostage but with different clothes. Tired old cop with a history and a failed personal life gets a final chance at redemption. Yawn. He’s involved to pick up a paycheck, not explore the depths of the art of acting. He there’s to be Bruce Willis and little else and in that role he succeeds. His supporting cast is built with two very good actors who don’t do much. Mos Def is the most vibrant person in the film but is also the most annoying. Mos Def is a fine actor who still needs his big break, so he really pulls out the stops, too bad his voice is so irritating in this piece you’ll just ask for him to stop. Doing his best impression of Flavor Flav, Mos Def gives a great performance that is nearly unbearable to listen to. His high-pitched and garbled dialog is not terribly different than listening to a cat being tortured for ninety minutes. The other heavy hitter in the film is David Morse who pulls out his usual tough-guy character. Morse is a talented actor deserving of respect, but there are some films where he seems to know no one will be seeing his performance and just glides through the piece.

The film itself is not visually interesting. The script is in need of a rewrite. The acting meets the requirements of the production. If your settling down an evening of doing nothing, this film will consume your time. If you’re looking for good entertainment or something of value, this will waste your time. Your circumstances should determine your choice to see the film. It's not terrible but it's not that good either.

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Other Bruce Willis Films
The Sixth Sense (1999)

Hostage (2005)

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