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November 25, 2008
V for Vendetta (2005)
Should I see it?

B.S. is for…

This film is worth seeing. It is worth seeing twice.

Many critics who are affiliated with the "capitulate at any cost" left proudly speak of this film. They think this to be a powerful political statement. They have it right when they claim this is a strong political film inasmuch as the opinions are yelled loudly and cannot be ignored. Skunks have a strong and memorable smell as well. That doesn’t mean you want to dab some of the stink behind your ear.

The reason I believe this film is worth seeing is because to date there hasn’t been any other product which documents the bed-wetting left’s real view on America and its political conservatives. Christians are seething and angry malcontents who look to oppress and humiliate all whom fall under their whim. Right-wingers search for ways to undermine the human spirit and will consume freedom at every turn. We’ve heard the left blather bromides that imply these things for forty-odd years. This film is a stellar example of how the left actually sees the world. It shows why these delusional saps react so irrationally to what used to be common sense.

Created by the Wachowski Brothers (The Matrix) this film literally promotes terrorism. Evil conservatives have taken over England and now run the place with wild abandon. America has imploded and is no longer a relevant world player. All things liberal, such as deviant morals and sexual acts along with enjoying the fruits of the enemy’s efforts at the expense of your neighbor’s lives are outlawed. In this terrible and dark world we find Evey Hammond (Evey Hammond – EVERY HUMAN! OH, I GET IT! HOW DELIGHTFULLY CLEVER! OHHH! IT’S LIKE EVERYMAN BUT IT’S DIFFERENT! OHHH! HOW SHARP!) Milquetoast in heels, Natalie Portman, portrays the philosophically pliable Evey. Portman, who is apparently trying to making slouching look sexy, offers one of her usual flat and distant performances. When she is at her best she looks and sounds like she is reading the script for the first time. Every time I see her I expect her to stop and ask for her lines. Evey is our avenue into this terrible world where conservatives hold sway. Thankfully, the world’s chattiest superhero, “V” comes to her rescue. “V”, which I believe actually stands for "vacuous", is a potent terrorist who bombs government buildings in protest of the cruel government. He also has a penchant for over-written dialog and self-important political blathering.

The film itself would be rather boring if it weren’t for its insidious political bent. the Wachowskis, in their scramble to seem smart, end up once again looking like fools. They want to smear the Bush Administration but do not have the seeds to follow through. Despite what these privileged degenerates tell themselves, we have free speech in our country and they are open to say what they want. Like a kid who kicks his dog instead of confronting his parents, the Wachowskis move the object of their anger off shore. The child/parent analogy works for this film quite well. This whole film has the breathless antagonism of a teenager’s logic when they can’t get what they want. “You won’t lend me the car, you never loved me and you never will!”

Overall, there is plenty to keep me from really recommending this film. It is blotchy and poorly written. The pacing gets broken constantly by a slurry of sophomoric rants. It is as if the Wachowskis have taken all of the meandering ideas coming from a college dorm ten minutes after all the bongs emptied out. It would have help if they had passed their script on to an adult for corrections before heading into production.

People have been killed and maimed by terrorists and these privileged low lives are snickering in their towers. This said, they don’t have the conviction to be forthright in their attacks. It has been said before and I will say it here, these people are cowards. If things were as bad as they tell themselves, then it is a treason against humanity for them not to speak up clearly and forcefully against the perceived evil. If we’ve been headed into a dark age of fascist hell, isn’t it just as evil to avoid confronting the fascists in plain sight? The Wachowskis, much like “V” are happy to slip bombs under people’s doors rather than to stand up and fight with any real courage.

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