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November 30, 2008
Movie Trailer: The Ugly Truth
Usually celebrity gossip and news doesn't play much into what I think of an upcoming movie. In the case of Katherine Heigl I find myself making an exception. Every time I see her now I am reminded of her spoiled-rotten comments when she refused to partake in the Emmys because "I do not feel I was given the material this season to warrant a nomination." If the woman were busy making Shakespeare or working with Paul Thomas Anderson or Martin Scorsese, but she's just another cog in the Hollywood machine kicking out disposable chick flicks like this. Anyway, when I see her I cringe. Its one thing to make crap, its another to make it and then act like you're above it all.

The trailer? Its effective, gets its points across. Its not my cup of tea but I'm sure Heigl and Gerard Butler will make for a good on screen couple.

Screenwriters: Nicole Eastman, Karen McCullah Lutz (The House Bunny) and Kirsten Smith (Ella Enchanted)
Robert Luketic (21)
Actors: Gerard Butler (300), Katherine Heigl (Knocked Up) and Cheryl Hines (Henry Poole is Here)

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