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December 4, 2008
Movie Watching Tip: Callbacks
It is common to see in film the hero receive a physical gift (like a lightsaber) or a piece of advice/word of wisdom (like learning about the Force) from an old man or woman. This wisdom or present often is not critical to the plot until the very end of the film. An example of this is the "don't cross the steams" lesson from Ghostbusters. They refer back to this pearl of wisdom at the end of the movie and decide to disregard it in a moment of desperation.

This return has some structural purposes but for the audience it acts as a pleasant surprise. They are in on the wisdom, they recognize the gift and it being applied puts them further on the side of hero since they are in on the secret. This technique is called a "callback" in stand-up comedy. A comedian will lay out a joke with a defined punch line, possibly repeat the punchline again and then move on. At the end of their routine they will insert the punchline once again. This recalls the joke, puts the audience into an "in the know" position with the comedian and he/she ends on a high note. Film makers use this technique as well.

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