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December 3, 2008
Movie Trailer: Duplicity
I'm sure there's plenty of people who will find this attractive. Personally, I'm a crank and the whole thing makes me roll my eyes. Honestly, Julia Roberts and the Linty Mumbler as spies? And that derivative "we want to remind you of Ocean's 11 music so you get the cue this is supposed to be upbeat and cool" soundtrack?

Looks like yet another crime romp with sharp editing and cool cat dialog. These are getting as tired as those stupid spoof movies.

Screenwriters: Tony Gilroy (Michael Clayton)
Tony Gilroy (Proof of Life)
Actors: Julia Roberts (Charlie Wilson's War), Clive Owen (Children of Men), Carrie Preston, Paul Giamatti (Sideways) and Tom Wilkerson (Batman Begins)

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