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June 21, 2009
Movie Trailer: Food Inc.
I couldn't agree more about clear labeling on food and the need for people to take what they consume more seriously.

Notice the trailer however. The fat headed Southern hick, the obtuse reference to Bush - oh, its the mean, dumb Southerners who are to blame. I guess all those corporate farms in California and upstate New York don't count. Dragging out the republicans as the ones keeping people from outing those poisoning our foodstuffs is childish. Democrats are on the take too. The truth is that no one in Washington is really fighting back.

My guess, this film brings up some very valid points but screws them by smothering it all in agenda-laden nonsense.

Director: Robert Kenner (Russia's Last Tzar)

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Anonymous K said...

They have to give their potential audience, virtually all leftists, some deep fried southern/Republican hating red meat, so to speak to get them into the theater. Which is kind of ironic, really.

June 21, 2009 at 12:23 PM  

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