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June 19, 2009
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Should I see it?

Mel Gibson Lethal Weapon

I don't recommend this because I wouldn't be able to look you in the eye if I did. Privately, I might pull you aside, shrug, and admit that its a fun movie - but whoa is it stupid, and it ain't going to do you any good.

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover return as Riggs and Murtaugh. The cops work to bring down a South African drug runners. The pair are also stuck protecting a Federal witness named Leo Getz (Joe Pesci). Getz is a hyperactive, grating little man. Pesci, with his high pitched voice, is perfectly cast as the irritant but also makes the character likable. This is notable given how abrasive the guy is.

This is an effective sequel to the original since it takes what made the first film work, the relationship between the characters, the instability of Riggs in particular, and the over-the-top cartoonish action sequences and kicks it all up one more notch. The use of the South Africans as the villains played into the political events in that country at the time. You will also note other social marketing plots "We're boycotting tuna now, honey." All of the social marketing slips by easily as the amusement ride aspect of the film takes over.

Ultimately, I can't recommend the film because its really not that well done. Its a big, flashy piece of crap. But like the original, it is fun. There's plenty of rough language and violence, so those who are sensitive should take note. For the average, jaded audience member, you probably have already seen this one, if not you will most likely find it to be enjoyable in the same way getting a sleeve of fries from McDonalds can be a pleasure.

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Mel Gibson movies
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Other Critic's Reviews:
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