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May 1, 2009
Bad Grammar Hits the Road
I've been asked to cross-post my reviews over at the great site Theo Spark. It is a fantastic group blog that always has something interesting going on. Basically, its a guys site for guys and if you're in or were in the military you will probably feel at home.

For my more clean cut and/or cautious readers, I will warn that they do post some stuff that is NSFW - no nudity though. Now I guess I have to post why a Christian would post on a site that has posts that can be NSFW.

I've very happy to be with these guys and look forward to working with them.

I am also cross-posting over at Catholic Media Review - I'm the house heretic. Yes, they keep me in the backyard and yes, I have to hide in the attic when company comes over but what the heck, they feed me warm scraps and I have my own blanket.

If you are interested in having my reviews on your site, drop me a line and let's talk. I work cheap and movie reviews are great feed fodder.

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Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

Did you see this article on Why Christian movies are so bad? http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/djenkins/2009/04/29/why-are-christian-movies-so-bad/

May 2, 2009 at 1:30 PM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

I did, he's dead on. I've talked about this myself. My mantra is "less Christian art and more Christian artists!"

May 2, 2009 at 2:05 PM  

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