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April 23, 2009
What I Said, Only Better
Julie of Happy Catholic was kind enough to post some nice words, along with a link, to my recent rant against overly cautious Christians. One of her commenters, Elizabeth Anne of A Quiet Corner delivers the point quickly and directly - something I failed to do.

"I'm always baffled at people who get upset when their kids go off to college and suddenly fall for the worst of the facile left wing undergrad crap. They complain that they sent off perfect Christian children and the University was magically able to turn them into feminist, socialist, America-hating anarchists in one semester flat. It just makes me want to smack my forehead into my desk, repeatedly.

Why? Because the only way kids would fall for this crap is if *it's the first time they're hearing about it*. It would be like sending them to the congo without a malaria vaccine and being amazed when they come home with it. You don't inoculate kids against bad ideas by sheltering them from them. You inoculate them against bad ideas in the same way you inoculate them against a disease: by introducing them to it in a controlled setting. They're going to go into the world and be faced with a lot of kids their own age who are very enthusiastic about these things, and they need armament against it, and that armament requires a full understanding of the other side. "Protecting" them from the culture also means failing to teach them how to read it, how to see the subtle messages that are far more compelling that outright advertising because it *is* so subtle."

a) Thank you Julie for the link. You're the best.
b) Thank you Elizabeth Anne for saying it better.

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Anonymous Doug B said...

I have three words for you:


April 24, 2009 at 8:55 AM  
Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

Man, that's exactly what I was *trying* to say.

April 24, 2009 at 9:38 AM  
Anonymous ron said...

"They complain that they sent off perfect Christian children"

If they thought they had perfect Christian children they were fools in the first place.

You are discussing the issue of "intructing children in the ways of the Lord" Certainly some of this instruction involves exposure to how the world works. Film could certainly assist with the process, but I would say the child who loses their bearings is not necessarily due to over-protecting. You may choose to show them films of all stripes for instructive purposes, of which the effectiveness and wisdom could be debated, but in the end it's about a child learning what it means to be a child of God. That can be done without one frame of film.

I'm not saying don't watch films, but I'm also saying don't make them more than they are.

April 24, 2009 at 1:22 PM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

"I'm not saying don't watch films, but I'm also saying don't make them more than they are."

Ohhhh, you don't know what you just said. - that line deserves its own post.

April 24, 2009 at 1:27 PM  
Anonymous ron said...

I should clarify that I'm talking about Christians concerning the influence of film. The better trained a child is, the more he can manage what the world throws at him whether he's beeen exposed to it or not.

As for those poorly taught and having little conviction; film, books, speeches - anything that's out there can steer someone wrong.

April 24, 2009 at 4:16 PM  

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