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April 17, 2009
The Heart of Texas (2008)
Should I see it?

This is a small film that packs a huge emotional punch. Given that this is a straight-to-video, small scale documentary, my expectations were understandably low when I put this into the DVD player. I was very impressed with how much the filmmakers were able to do with so little. From the wonderful camera work to the effective editing, everyone on the crew have combined perfectly to deliver a very moving documentary. The film follows an inspirational story of a man who lives his faith, and in doing so shows the real meaningful change forgiveness can have on not just individuals but on a community. I am hesitant to get into the details of the story since the film will have far more emotional punch if you go into it blind.

I am a Christian, but I'm not easily moved. This film cut through all of my jaded sarcasm. To put it as plainly as I can, the true story that is presented in this film is as inspirational and moving as the trailer suggests. For once, I can say a trailer is actually telling you the truth about the product it is promoting.

This is a perfect film for church groups, or those who just want something uplifting. Even if you’re not a Christian, this film can still speak to you because it reminds us that there is more to the universe than our self-interests, or even our own lives and it keeping our eyes on a Christ-filled life that brings it all into focus - even during the painful times.

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