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April 8, 2009
Oldboy (2003)
Should I see it?

A film geek favorite, Chan-wook Park’s strange and violent film about a man who is mysteriously imprisoned for fifteen years and then goes out to take revenge on his captor gets more praise than it should. There are some good elements to the film. Chan-wook Park has a great eye and style. Min-sik Choi is striking in the lead as Dae-su Oh, the quiet prisoner. Min-sik Choi is quite mesmerizing in the film and if the movie deserves credit, he should get most of the attention. These positives are soured by the sheer violence. This is a very dark movie and Chan-wook Park is comfortable presenting the harsher elements of the story.

Most American audiences probably won’t get too much from viewing the film. It’s too quirky and dark for most audiences. Film geeks and fanboy types (I’m sure you know who you are) will enjoy it.

Related Reviews:
Another Chan-wook Park film
J.S.A.: Joint Security Area

Other Critic’s Reviews:
Roger Ebert

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Anonymous Retro Hound said...

I saw this at a showing by the Korean Club here on my campus before I'd heard of the movie anywhere else. I thought the story was interesting but the ending violence abhorrent and the deus ex machina unbelievable. The Koreans told me this film was groundbreaking in dealing with sex and incest because in their culture, such things are shameful.

April 9, 2009 at 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Darrell said...

As a stark-raving fanboy, I'll take one for the team: I LOVE this movie. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I thought the twist ending was a legit twist, not a cheat. Although, admittedly, this movie is very dark, perverse and bloody.

It saddens me that the VA Tech mass murderer tried to identify himself with this film.

April 9, 2009 at 4:41 PM  

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