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April 5, 2009
Movie Trailer: Up
The dog collar is a good bit of business.

I was hesitant at first, but this is looking like it's going to be good. Let's hope it matches up to the rest of Pixar's works.

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Screenwriters: Bob Peterson (Finding Nemo)
Director: Peter Docter (Monsters, Inc.) and Bob Peterson
Actors: Christopher Plummer (Syriana), John Ratzenberger (Cars) and Edward Asner (JFK)

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Anonymous Joi said...

You know, this happens with every Pixar movie. They release a trailer which gives you almost no idea of the storyline, and people complain that it doesn't look as good as the last one. I've been excited for this since the first trailer--the sight of the guy flying away with all those balloons and making fun of the people on the ground just cracks me up! I LOVE that Pixar doesn't give away much storyline in their trailers: I go into the movie expectant, but not really knowing where it's going to go. I can't wait for this movie!

April 5, 2009 at 11:54 PM  

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