Should I see it?Yes.

One of the greatest films ever made. Stanley Kubrick’s anti-Cold War classic is still an outstanding work of cinema. From Peter Sellers multiple roles as Group Captain Lionel Mandrake/President
Merkin Muffley/Dr.
Strangelove, George C. Scott’s rambunctious Gen. 'Buck'
Turgidson to Sterling Hayden’s growling Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper the actors in this film give some of the best comedic performances put to screen. Kubrick’s tempered, dry delivery is perfect for the dark humor he is presenting. The world is pushed to the brink of destruction when a crazed American general sets off World War III. Despite the obvious doom coming their way President
Muffley and his staff frantically attempt to keep the inevitable from happening.
This is one of the movies everyone should see at least once. It is a rare film in its quality. It is a comedy but
doesn’t ham it up, it is a political jab but it
doesn’t have a party. Kubrick and company are somewhat relativist but even this
doesn’t get too much in the way. This is a great piece of satire that skewers its target perfectly.
Related Reviews:Stanley Kubrick moviesThe Shining (1980)Paths of Glory (1957)Other Critic’s Reviews: DVD VerdictRoger EbertLabels: film, George C. Scott, movie review, Peter Sellers, Stanley Kubrick
One of my all time favorites. Sterling Hayden and George C. Scott are simply brilliant in this film.
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