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April 11, 2009
Let the Right Commenter In
Comment fight!

When you post your opinions online you have to expect the whole world to come by and kick you in the soft bits every once in a while. I've become so used to complete strangers saying all kinds of things to me over the most inane comments, mistakes and/or opinions. My favorite is still a woman named Tessa who hoped I would be raped and contract A.I.D.S. over my reivew of The Constant Gardener.

One of the interesting things about running film review site is that many people expect me to have an encyclopedic knowledge of every film I discuss. I will be honest, I am a one man show. I research the films I watch when I can. I pay attention to changes in the market and track rumors and news. This said, I do have a life outside of posting my thoughts on films online and things get past me.

Last month I posted my review of Låt den rätte komma in “Let the Right One In”. To sum up my review, I say it is a smart and great film. It is a genre changer. This said, there is a one second shot of a twelve-year-old's public region. In my review I cite this as being pornography. The scene is simple, a boy opens a door and walks in on his twelve-year-old girl friend. Her lower half is naked and we see her pubic region. This disturbed me because in my book the scene was meant to be sexual in nature. The girl was naked, not nude (nude being the intentional removal of clothes, naked being against one's will). Given the budding relationship between the two characters there was also an obvious sexual overtone to the moment. This pushed the scene into the pornographic realm in my estimation. This understanding that pornography includes exposed flesh, not just overt sexual action.

Well, get someone to post a link to the review on Facebook and let the floodgates open.

People who have no idea what I'm up to, who have no idea my point-of-view are flooding my inbox with all sorts of e-mails and comments.

It is interesting, at least to me , to see the absolute refusal of people to see what I'm trying to say. Perhaps its just that I am incapable of expressing my viewpoint (actually, that's likely the case.) Just the same, there's plenty of huffing and puffing going on, click on this link to read the fun.

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Anonymous K said...

An interesting set of comments, Scott. I've followed some critics who started off representing a conservative Christian view and then changed over time to a more mainstream POV. I'm beginning to see why that might be. If they answer their e mail or take comments seriously, then it must be tough to put up with the one sided bombardment.

I hope you're made of sterner stuff.

April 13, 2009 at 3:37 PM  

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