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March 2, 2009
You've Got Mail (1998)
Should I see it?

A smart update to the classic Shop Around the Corner. Unlike the original, this film sports an attractive and talented lead female. Tom Hanks stars as Joe Fox, the owner of a corporate book store that has moved into a Seattle neighborhood, and threatens the livelihood of local bookstore owner Kathleen Kelly, portrayed by Meg Ryan. Hanks and Ryan make for a great screen couple and have fantastic chemistry. Their joint charisma combined with Nora Ephron’s fun script makes for a wonderfully enjoyable movie. One of the three great Meg Ryan chick flicks (When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle are the others) this film displays her charms to full effect. She is perfectly cast in this film and couldn’t find a better counterpart than Hanks. This is one of those films that, even if you’re a guy who hates chick flicks, you’ll still find yourself hoping the two will get together. Coming from a bitter curmudgeon like me, that’s saying something.

Related Reviews:
Tom Hanks movies
Big (1988)
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

Other Critic's Reviews:
Anchorage Press
Hollywood Jesus

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Anonymous Julie D. said...

Wow, did I hate this movie! Of course, I also hated Sleepless in Seattle. So you can't go by me on a Tom Hanks-Meg Ryan flick evidently. :-)

March 4, 2009 at 7:33 AM  

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