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March 2, 2009
What's Going on Here
My in box is swelling with anonymous comments. About 90% of anonymous comments impatiently explain to me the writer's opinion of my mental stability, my relationship with my mother and which end of my body I can insert my reviews. The other 10% just insult me without getting into specifics.

There are things you have to expect when you put your opinions out for the world to see: random drive-by comments, trolls, thieves and hackers. Every time a segment of one of my posts is lifted and dumped on some lame forum I have to spend the next two weeks filtering out invective from my e-mail. Right now I have folks from three different forums coming by and kicking me in the soft bits. There's a Twilight group that has it out for me, some northern European forum about something - I'm not sure, I can't read it but I do know they use a lot of umlauts and vowels. Then there's my private troll Greg who has dumped a quote of mine on another forum filled with particularly slow witted folk. So as you can guess, I have plenty of seething visitors who don't know what I'm about and don't much care to learn. Two of these groups see the word "Christian" and get into a lather and start sending me comments.*

For all of you new to the site, let me explain what's going on here.

What seems to be frustrating people is my posts involving trailers and films I haven't seen yet. There are plenty of people who get rather upset that I would dare pre-judge a film based on the trailer and other marketing. When I post a movie trailer I give my thoughts on my reaction to it. Sometimes I discuss the marketing aspect, sometimes I simply react. A trailer is a commercial. To get a reaction is the point of the ad in the first place. Are there some films I do not need to see to dismiss? Sure. I don't need to see all of the Saw movies to understand what they are all about. I get it. Most films I will give a fair shake when the time comes. If I run down a movie prior to seeing it and I am proven to be wrong, I publish a correction. My reaction to Fireproof is an example. To judge a film, and publish my opinion of it based on the trailer is not wrong. It is no different than if/when I state that I am looking forward to a film's release based on the marketing. There are plenty of films I've looked forward to seeing only to be disappointed by the end product.

I hope this clears things up for you foul mouthed goofballs out there.

As for my grammar and spelling. I cop to bad grammar. I have grammatical tourette's, I go along and WHAM I throw in a comma or a dash, slash or whatever - I can't control myself.

Please note the above bit on trailers is not directed to K or Darrell. You both had good points on Bart Got a Room. If I'm wrong on it, I will certainly admit it.

* - to be fair, I don't know exactly which of these forums is getting me these comments. It is possible, though unlikely, my recent uptick in nasty comments is just a random occurrence - but they all seem to really like teenage vampires and graphic novels.

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Anonymous K said...

If you were a jerk or goofball, nobody would be e mailing you to cuss you out, brother. They do that because the quality that you've put into the site and your observations frighten them that other people might start listening to you.

""Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, . . "

Besides, it can be fun to hear the heathen rage. ;)

I don't have a problem with your critique of movie trailers as opposed to the movie itself. Just mention that in the review.

As for being grammar challenged, join the club. I used to get "A"s in english grammer. Too bad they stopped teaching it after 6th grade.

Keep up the good work.

March 2, 2009 at 11:34 AM  
Anonymous Retro Hound said...

I thought the point of a trailer is to draw you into a movie. If it doesn't do that, then something is wrong. The marketing departments should be reading your blog. Also, they have awards for best commercials and what not, I don't think you're doing anything abnormal.

You have a personal troll? That sound cool. Or not.

March 3, 2009 at 11:00 AM  

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