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December 16, 2008
Movie Watching Tip: Talking About Movies with Your Kids
I know it is a cliche and most people don't have the follow through to discuss entertainment with their children. Actually, the lack of follow through probably comes from a lack of taking entertainment seriously enough to consider it a needed topic. It is important however. Films, and television and video games for that matter, shape our view of the world. They help establish social norms and give moral statements. Leaving your kid alone to mull the sloppy philosophy and relentless advertisements that makes up most Hollywood productions isn't a good thing.

Explain to you child how films advertise philosophies and products. Teach them to identify marketing. The more they know the better off they will be. If you can equip them on how to decipher our entertainment culture they will be less inclined to be swayed by it. They will be more likely to give it the credence it deserves and will be better off for your intervention.

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Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

Good point. We always talk over these things with our kids. They are cynical little guys when it comes to marketing.

December 16, 2008 at 4:55 PM  

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