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December 12, 2008
The Carnival of Cinema: Episode 104 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Blogger
Welcome to the Carnival of Cinema. Each week we present the best film-related posts submitted from around the world.

Since I am a huge fan of zombie films, we're starting this week with Scott Davis' report on the status of World War Z on his site ZOMBIECHATTER.COM.

Starting out the non-zombie related posts this week we have a thoughtful defense of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mounted by Mansur Ahmed of FILM, LITERATURE AND THE HUMAN CONDITION. Mansur ties Jones to String Theory. Sounds odd? He makes sense. Mansur follows up with a look at Stanley Kubrick.

Gunther Heinrich has a short post about "the beauty of cinema with all its problems and errors." on his site MAD MIND.

On the subject of the beauty of cinema, Audrey Tautou has a film titled Hors de prix (Priceless). Missy from OBSERVATIONS FROM MISSY'S WINDOW has a quick look at the release from 2006.

Next up, A_X raves over Charlene Choi's Diary: "Yes, the movie is mind-blowing! I seldom am impressed by Chinese show, but Diary--starring by Twins' Charlene Choi--ought to be an exception." Head over to ANONYMOUS X for more.

From Tautou to Choi to Delgo.

Holly of WOMAN TRIBUNE is happy that Delgo "an animated movie by Fathom Studios, urges diversity and peace" is making it to the big screen "when we need it most."

I'm happy that The Dark Knight is on DVD just when we need it the most. Its about time the world was enlightened and accepted the truth that clowns are dangerous and scary.

What? The Dark Knight is out on DVD? Why yes it is and Darrell of SOUTHCON: THE SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE has some thoughts on the special edition release.

Let's take a look at some of the big releases.

MANNY THE MOVIE GUY comes through again this week with a post about what's cooking down at the local multiplex.

This time around, Manny has seen the rehash of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Is it moving? Click over to find out.

Mike McCutchan has seen the film as well. Go find out what he thinks of the flick over at SQUIDOO: SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE. MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

The holiday season is upon us. As we all avoid the word "Christmas" while wishing one another unspecified well wishes because some non-Christian jerk might get huffy because they're intolerant*, try to enjoy a good Christmas movie (read corporate infected holiday movie that has hollowed out the theological underpinnings of the day and replaced them with self-serving traditions that equate purchasing with love.**)

The first holiday movie post of the year comes from Liz N. Liz states that traditional Christmas films like Miracle on 34th St. and Its a Wonderful Life are "as present yet unobtrusive as the smell of spiced cider." To cut down on the holiday boredom, Liz offers a list of alternative holiday films you may want to consider on her site SOCIAL TRIVIA GAMES / KWANZOO.

Sean Kelly is second in line with his review of the new release Four Christmases. Go over to SEAN KELLY ON MOVIES to find out if you should see the thing.

Trench is third in line with his review of the new release Four Christmases. Go over to 7MILESDOWN to find out if you should see the thing.

Once you're done figuring out if you should see it, hang out at the site and check out the reviews of Twilight and Fireproof.

Concluding the Carnival this week, Tony Huynh would like for you to see his friend's student film about EverQuest. Check it out over at LIMITLESSUNITS.COM.

...and CUT and PRINT!

To submit your film-related post to next week's edition, FOLLOW THIS LINK.

* - Comment intended for my American audiences. I have no idea if my international readers have to suffer through this childish PC tradition of devaluing one religion for the sake of appearing polite.

** - The editor's rude interruptions do not reflect the opinions of the writers.

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