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December 10, 2008
Movie Recommendations #16: Animated Movies
Here are a couple of animated films that I recommend.

Cars (2003)

In a time when most family films are little more than subversive, strobe lights with soundtracks I have only one thing to say. Thank God for Pixar.

Living up to the pedigree of Pixar Animation is not an easy task. Pixar may be the only consistent and wholly trusted name in Hollywood these days. Each production from
Monsters, Inc. to The Incredibles is a high quality and most importantly safe choice for parents. Each of their outings has been a richly layered, intelligent gem. Seven major releases under their belt and only one (A Bug's Life) was less than stellar. Cars is another feather in their cap.

Bambi (1942)

A remarkably serene and pleasing film compared to the fare thrown at kids today. Artful animation, whimsical characters and a inoffensive soundtrack all make for a classic deserving the respect it has garnished. A must see for all children – just make certain to keep the little urchins being so affected by the film that they wind up chaining themselves to trees to save some chipmunk someday.




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