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December 8, 2008
Superior Scribbler Award
Julie Davis of HAPPY CATHOLIC has complimented me with the Superior Scribbler's Award. Note, this isn't the Superior Grammar Award.

Thank you Julie for your kind words. I do appreciate it.

It falls to me to keep this going and award this to five others. No problem.

1. Jeff Burton of BURTONIA. His site is rarely updated and his posts are sparse but when he does manage to cobble together a post he makes it worth the wait.

2. Conan Stevens of CONANSTEVENS.COM. Conan is a regular on the Carnival of Cinema and writes some great posts. His site chronicles his acting career and offers fascinating insight into the life of a real working actor.

3. Darrell of SOUTHCON. Darrell's full posting has slowed down a bit, but he's still kickin'. Whether its his musing about a YouTube video or grumbling about some media talking head, Darrell's posts are direct and entertaining.

4. Angela Walker of CHRISTIANS IN CINEMA writes quick and well written posts about Chrisitan film. She is a good resource for those looking to keep tabs on the genre.

5. Last, but not least, EegahInc of THE B-MOVIE CATHECHISM. EegahInc offers up some creative blogging that I just love, in particular his Outtakes posts.

This award comes with some rules:

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