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December 10, 2008
Movie Trailer: Terminator Salvation (Japanese Version)
Looks like a good piece of McMovie nonsense. In a time of sequels, rehashes and adaptations its actually a relief to see something that looks like it may be worth the effort of sitting through. Christian Bale is quickly becoming one of the most trustworthy actors working. His resume is a list of must-see movies. I hope this one builds on the trend.

Screenwriters: Paul Haggis (Letters from Iwo Jima) and Shawn Ryan (The Good Things)
McG (We Are Marshall)
Actors: Christian Bale (The Dark Knight), Sam Worthington (The Great Raid), Common (Smokin' Aces), Bryce Dallas Howard (The Village), Helena Bonham Carter (Fight Club) and Moon Bloodgood (Pathfinder)

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