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December 13, 2008
Movie Trailer: New in Town
I live in the Twin Cities area.. If you don't know New Ulm is located in south central Minnesota, so for most people its like saying its on the other side of Pluto. I have dealt with big shots from the East and West Coasts who come here quite often. The shot of her coming out of the airport is dead on. Her reaction when she finds out someone moved to the area is also realistic (perhaps her line interpretation needed to be even more dismissive.) What doesn't play is her "warming up" to the locals. From what I've experienced, coastal folks come here, whimper about the cold, deride the locals as being hicks and then get the heck home. Even the long term transplants I've met rarely get past the "you stupid Midwesterners don't know how crappy you have it" phase. To be fair, there are some who come who are tough and can hack being someplace that actually has weather.

I will attest that there are people who really do talk like that. The trailer shows they did a good job of getting the look and feel down. We'll see how they do. They can't make us look any dumber than Fargo did.

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Screenwriters: Ken Rance and C. Jay Cox (Latter Days)
Jonas Elmer (The Art of Success)
Actors: Renee Zellweger (Cinderella Man), JK Simmons (Juno), Harry Connick , Jr. (Independence Day), Nathan Fillon (Serenity) and Siobhan Fallon (Baby Mama)

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