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December 15, 2008
Vantage Point (2007)
Should I see it?

Vantage Point

The first act of this film is quite good and sets up what promises to be an enthralling thriller. The rest of the film works diligently to dismantle this effective opening. Dennis Quaid heads up an ensemble cast in this film about an assassination attempt on the President of the United States. The film unfolds by showing multiple viewpoints of the crime while also uncovering the conspiracy that lead to the shooting. The film presents these layers carefully and does well to keep things clear and unconfused. The film fails because the conspiracy just isn't that interesting and many aspects of the film are predictable. This is a properly structured film but it's not a smart one.

Related Reviews:
Dennis Quaid movies
The Rookie (2002)
In Good Company (2004)

Other Critic's Reviews:
The Daily Beaconline
Desert Entertainer

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