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December 15, 2008
Movie Trailer: Dragonball Evolution
What's dumber than anime? Live action based on anime. Isn't this like playing a role-playing game where your character plays role-playing games?

This will probably do good in the international market but I can't see this making a huge dent in the States. I know, I know, but its Dragonball and that's very successful. This looks like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with less dialog.

The trailer does well to play to its young demographic. The set up is simple enough and then they drop into flashing lights and lots of dramatic screaming. Enough to alert the fans its finally hitting theaters and enough to warn everyone with a brain something stupid this way comes.

Screenwriters: Ben Ramsey (The Big Hit)
James Wong (The One)
Actors: Justin Chatwin (The Invisible), Joon Park (Speed Racer), Christopher Sabat, Jamie Chung, Yun-Fat Chow (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End) and Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters)

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