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December 19, 2008
The Carnival of Cinema: Episode 105 - Blogger Rocket
Welcome to this weeks' edition of the Carnival of Cinema, a weekly round-up of the best film-related posts submitted from around the world.

This week it seems that nearly everyone wants to let us all know what they think of Keanu "Well At Least He Got All His Lines Right" Reeves' latest cinematic deposit The Day the Earth Stood Still.

To open up this collection of opinion on the new release we turn to THE ONLY REVIEW's Ben Roper. Ben has sat through the film and offers up his thoughts.

"...the ever wooden Reeves plays a sobering, robotic like Klaatu..."

Roper's The Only Review ain't the only review.

Newman has his own movie corner over at NEWMAN'S OWN MOVIE CORNER where he shares his view on the sci-fi flick.

Sean Kelly also has a review over at his site SEAN KELLY ON MOVIES

Sean also offers a look at the film The Reader.

Next, Doug Boude of DOUG BOUDE (RHYMES WITH 'LOUD') presents his examination of the film.

Scott Davis of ZOMBIE CHATTER has also seen the film and had some lingering concerns about the final act.

This week Scott also discusses what's going on with Tron 2.0 (there were so many unanswered questions from the original Tron). He also has a post detailing the biggest action heroes of the 1980's and 1990's.

Fanshawe over at CINEMA REALM claims the movie "avoids politics". Really? I'm willing to take your word on it. I haven't seen the movie myself. But it seems having them alien come down and tell us to be more conscious of global warming otherwise they're going to kill us is about one step away from demanding we need more "hope and change". Just sayin'. What Fanshawe is just sayin' is that the film is a thoughtful cinematic treasure

Moving away from the brilliant glare of the cinematic jewel that is Keanu Reeves, let's see what else is new at theaters.

Veronika Decides to Die is coming out in March of next year. Toni of WIFELY STEPS posts all about it.

In theaters now is Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire. On Mansur's site now is the review. Head over to Mansur Ahmed's site FILM, LITERATURE AND THE HUMAN CONDITION for more. You can also find a post about The Dark Knight.

Lindsey of ZEE SAYS=FILM ADDICT + TEEN LIBRARIAN also takes another look at The Dark Knight.

Another film on screens right now is Frost/Nixon. Our pal Manny of MANNY THE MOVIE GUY offers up a review of the movie.

Theodore Pappas of BRITANNICA BLOG also looks at Frost/Nixon and ponders why Watergate seems so quaint now?

I dunno, maybe it has to do something with President who was molesting the help, accused of raping a woman while aiding the transfer of top secret information to communist China. All of this along with lying and directing others to lie to Federal investigators?

Over at LOVE ROMANCE PASSION there's a post about a movie that is "a feel good, put a spring in your step, happy movie that gets you singing and dancing around the room just so you can join in the festivities." No, its not 28 Days Later. Click on over and see which film Keira is talking about.

Taking a trip in the way-back machine, WOMAN TRIBUNE has a post this week looking at the Disney flick Pollyanna.

Closing up shop this week is regular Carnie of Cinema Gracchi who provides us this week with another review. This time around it covers the Coen Brothers movie The Hudsucker Proxy. He has the stuff over at his site WESTMINSTER WISDOM.

...and CUT and PRINT.

That's it for this week and that's it for this year. The Carnival of Cinema will be taking a little break for the holidays.

Thanks to everyone who submitted.

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Anonymous Christina said...

Happy New Year and all other holiday stuff! Thanks for running such a great carnival.

December 21, 2008 at 2:44 PM  

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