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December 18, 2008
Movie Watching Tip: Support Your Local Filmmaker
Don't like the muck coming off Hollywood's conveyor belts? As is the case with music, every major metropolitan area it's own film scene. Granted 9 out 10 film scenes are loaded down with childish young filmmakers making absolute trash, but there's always that 1 out of the 10 that is offering something interesting.

Local film makers need support to develop. You need something new. Sounds like a marriage made in Heaven. Check out your local paper, find film fests or premieres in your area that appeal to your tastes. Yes, you're going to get burned every now and again and end up sitting through some college kid's black and white screed about how screwed up the world is (they never figure out the world is fine and they're the ones that are screwed up). But when you connect with a good, independent film you are really finding a diamond in the rough and hopefully, it will make your trouble worthwhile.

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