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June 8, 2010
Titanic (1997)
Should I see it?

This is one of the great cornball films of all time. This said, it is also one of those films you should probably see at least once.

James Cameron does a masterful job of keeping to the abject stupidity of his central plot hidden by distracting the audience with a big boat sinking. The film focuses on a couple of wayward lovers, Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) who is a young, handsome hobo from Wisconsin and Rose, a selfish horrible, young, rich slut.

The movie shouldn't have been titled Titanic. It should have been titled Rose DeWitt Bukater is the Devil.

Rose is perhaps one of the great terrors of modern cinema. Her myopic lust for self gratification causes one of the world's great tragedies that lead to the torturous deaths of women and children.

James Cameron who is a brilliant director and a lukewarm intellect thought it was good to have his main character Rose follow her heart rather than follow her duty. Cameron has Rose abandon what amounts to an arranged marriage with a rich, handsome, go-getter (albeit an abusive one). She runs off with a dreamy hobo who promises...well...sex with a guy who kinda looks like a pretty girl.

If you've seen the film you may have not noticed how Rose is actually Satan with birther hips. You see, Rose opens her wares to the Jack the hobo. Following the two of them casting their souls to hell in the back of a car in the ship's cargo hold, the pair decide it is wise to get all kissy on the deck. The comely duo's time on the deck distracts the ship's crew. This leads to their not seeing the iceberg in time. This leads to said iceberg scraping the hull of the ship. This leads to children drowning in freezing water because Rose couldn't keep her legs closed.

If this wasn't bad enough, Rose survives the sinking of the Titanic. Jack offers her his piece of driftwood. After her lack of morality slaughters 1,517 innocent souls, she takes the final piece of floating refuse in the Atlantic and allows the hobo to become fish food.

If this wasn't' bad enough, Rose goes on to live her life like a happy little liberal jerk - meaning she lives for herself. The exact kind of thinking that caused her to sink the Titanic itself. So, she has learned nothing from the death of 1,517 people who were victims of her lusty wants.

If this wasn't bad enough, Rose ends the film tossing the Heart of the Ocean, a valuable blue diamond into the ocean - losing it forever. She received the priceless gem from the man she scorned for the backseat love of a girlish hobo. She gets the Heart of the Ocean from her fiancee as an engagement gift. She accepts it, this accepting him as her husband. She then, through her infidelity, kills him and then wastes his gift for the ages by throwing it to the bottom of the ocean in a sign of allegiance to a hobo she knew for a few hours.

Rose DeWitt Bukater is the devil.

What is the lesson to be learned from Titanic? Following your heart and sleeping around on your fiancee will kill other people.

All of this moral stupidity aside, the technical achievement of the film forces me to recommend it. If the technology doesn't impress you, skip this movie. It is as immoral as it is foolish.

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Anonymous K said...

I see that the themes of the "Titanic" plot show up later in "Avatar". The abusive rich capitalist plundering nature - here represented as a woman in an arranged marriage. The resistance against this organized by an outsider who wins her heart.

He just managed to improve it a bit by keeping the Dicaprio character alive in Avatar.

June 8, 2010 at 10:34 AM  
Anonymous yngvar said...

Insecure and feeble girls turning into strong and independent women are a central theme in Cameron's films. The Terminator - Sarah Connor. Aliens - Ellen Ripley. The Abyss - Lindsey Brigman. True Lies - Helen Tasker. Avatar - Neytiri.

I love the movie Titanic, and I must have seen it hundreds of times. Mostly because I'm a Titanic buff.
The love story is a bit ridiculous; a third class passenger like Jack would never -NEVER- have been allowed to move around the ship that freely on the real ship.

But... "The comely duo's time on the deck distracts the ship's crew" is flat out wrong, even in the context of the movies telling of the real event.

Cal tried to kill Rose, with the pistol he stole from Lovejoy, remember? But Jack gave up his rescue (and life, like Christ the redeemer) while pleading for Rose to survive, to never give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless.

Never give up. And Rose did not give up. She followed her dreams, got married, had children and grandchildren. A life worth living.

June 10, 2010 at 7:29 PM  

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