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May 5, 2010
Movie Trailer: 10 Mountains in 10 Years
I know Alzheimer's and Parkinsons are terrible diseases and people have horrible times coping with them. As someone who has a pacemaker and suffers with heart disease, I would like to see a cure for my aliments before I croak, which is unlikely...the cure part, I'm certain I will eventually croak. I find it irritating when people spout out lines like the guy in this trailer "we can't wait until tomorrow". As if we're all just too lazy to find the cure that sitting up in the attic.

The cure for aliments like Alzheimer's, cancer, Parkinson's or diabetes, whatever, isn't found by climbing rocks and making feel good movies to spread awareness. There are over 26 million people worldwide with Alzheimer's', we know its there. Cures are found by allowing scientists to do work unencumbered by politics and corporate intrusion. By letting the right people follow their leads and hunches. In other words, letting scientists perform science.

Listen, you want a cause that is really going to save lives? How about sparing the 1.8 million people (mostly children) from dying of diarrhea every year. Get out water tablets and proper facilities to all corners of the Earth, THAT is something that can't wait any longer. Instead of wasting resources climbing a mountain and filming it how about taking all of those funds and doing something to fight back the 400 million cases of malaria every year? It is amazing how many mosquito nets one can buy for the price of one self-congratulatory documentary.

Less movies about curing diseases and more work on actually getting it done. Deal? We don't need more awareness. We need the money to go to less bureaucrats and non-profits admins and to more actual scientists who can use it to fund their research.

Just sayin'.

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