Should I see it?
Well....okay, if you
really want to.
Short Review: Do we really need a movie to tell us journalists are out to destroy conservatives and that Nixon was a dink?

This is a well done movie. It is sharply written with fully drawn characters and some memorable dialog. One of the characters is one of the most important public figures in 20
th Century America, Richard Nixon. It is based in real events and is the adaptation of a successful play. The performances have been lauded by critics, and I concur that they are praiseworthy.
One problem.
It never gets past the “who cares?” moment.
What do we care? David Frost, a smarmy Australian entertainer/television host lands a series of interviews with Richard Nixon following Nixon’s resignation from the Presidency. The two men verbally and psychologically duel throughout the interviews (both on and off the record). In the end, Frost gets Nixon to admit that his approach to the presidency was overreaching and criminal.
We all
already know this.
The man was about to be impeached. We know his thoughts on the
power of the
Presidency were out of whack with reality.
A film should have a purpose. A film without purpose is little more than a entrancing, flashing lights on a wall. This movie is devoid of a moving point. Its not a deep character study given that we learn nothing new about the characters. Its not a political statement since it is surprisingly without an axe to grind - a remarkable feat in the age of BDS. I
couldn’t find any reason for this film to exist other than for the sake of just existing.
Again, it is a aptly made film and the performances are good. I just can’t justify telling people its worth sitting through.
Related Reviews:Presidential moviesDeath of a President (2006)
Thirteen Days (2000)
Other Critic's Reviews:Cinema DaveApollo Movie GuideLabels: film, Frank Langella, Kevin Bacon, Michael Sheen, movie review, Oliver Platt, Ron Howard, Sam Rockwell
The purpose of the movie was political porn for Democratic activists. They got so charged up that they gave us Obama.
Iraq changed Opie from a moderately good director to another leftist stooge. I hope the Obamanation is what he wanted.
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