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December 23, 2009
Comment of the Day: Avatar
Today's thoughtful retort comes from Brian. Here is his reaction to my review of Avatar.

Obviously, you are a radical right wing Republican with no sense of decency. This film, if you actually took the time to think about it, shows the evils of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rove, Haliburton, Blackwater, and Big Oilm (sp) of course in a different context because if James Cameron showed them instead, he would be put in Guantanamo Bay with the other innocent, non-Christian, indigenous peoples of the Middle East that dare dissent from Bush's illegal wars on dark-skinned peoples who don't bow to that Jesus fellow or read the fictinal (sp) Bible and act like it is fact. Plus, look at how much you care about the use of the word race. Obviously, you didn't vote for Obama and don't support him because he is black.

I saw this movie and it was as brilliant as any Orwell story. I think every American should see it and understand the context. If the redneck cracker homophobe racist sexist nd (sp) Islamophobic Republicans don't like it, they shouldn't go see it.

The Christ = "that Jesus fellow"

"If the redneck cracker homophobe racist sexist nd (sp) Islamophobic Republicans don't like it, they shouldn't go see it."

I'm an independent redneck cracker homophobe racist sexist and Islamophobic, so I guess I'm cleared to watch the movie again.

"Obviously, you didn't vote for Obama and don't support him because he is black. "

Well, that's half right. What can I say, I'm blameless. I voted for the American.


OK, let’s hash this out a bit because I’ve been getting tons of comments and my post has become the topic on a number of forums. Which is one of the reasons I posted this comment in the first place. The main reason is because I have a fondness for sharing comments from hyperventilating lefties.

Yes, I am a Christian
Yes, I am a conservative
No, I don’t hate the Earth
Yes, I loathe liberal-minded movies that don’t have the common decency to bury their agenda.

Avatar has a rudimentary script that is far below what should be expected from someone with James Cameron’s resume. The story is terrible. Even forgiving the open-faced social marketing Cameron peddles in, the actual plot, the substance of his screenplay is sophomoric.

Cameron intended to make a political/social statement with this film. Pointing out his flawed thinking and the inherent racist ideology that is threaded through the film is not only fair game, it is compulsory. Any critic that focuses merely on the historic aspect of the technical advancements this film makes is not doing their job. It doesn’t matter if the car is some fancy new mode of transportation if it drives you off a cliff.

Had the story been better my review would have been better. I welcome you to all to search my reviews, available above. You will find numerous reviews of films that have political agendas that I do recommend even though the politics made me ill.
I hope this clears things up.

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Anonymous Krispy said...

Personally, I've always been bugged by the obvious fact that your reviews show a heavy bias toward your opinion.

If anone ever called me "an independent redneck cracker homophobe racist sexist and Islamophobic," I'd have to respond with a clear and forceful "Hey! I AM NOT racist!"

December 23, 2009 at 9:36 AM  
Anonymous K said...

You sure that "response" was, in fact, serious and not a parody? I realize it's often hard to tell the difference.

December 24, 2009 at 2:13 AM  

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