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December 18, 2009
Mike from Milwaukee Reviews Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

A guy named Mike from Milwaukee has put together a 70-minute review of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

In all seriousness, this is the best review I have ever read, seen or heard. He not only dissects Lucas' cinematic smear, he eviscerates it. There is no watching this movie when he is done with it. He points out the usual issues with the film's logic, structure and character. He kicks it up a notch however and locates details so hugely obviously, so incredibly inept, no one has ever pointed them out before.

Mike is hilarious and makes the 70 minutes fly by. He is funny but he is seriously on the mark and knows exactly what he is talking about.

Anyone who works in the industry and anyone interested in making or writing film needs to sit through the whole thing.

Again with the warning, he has a DARK sense of humor and isn't afraid of salty language. Swear words and dark humor aside, the man couldn't be more right.

If this guy doesn't get a gig from this, there is no fairness in the universe.

Click Loony Luke to read my review

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Anonymous Krispy said...

I had no intentions of watching this entire thing this morning before work, but I was up to shovel snow anyway and took several breaks. And watched it all but the last clip, which won't play right now. I'll catch it this evening. Anyway, this guy has put more thought into Star Wars than George Lucas probably is even capable of. He's actually made me appreciate the first film a bit (I've never really been a fan) and given me a lot of laughs at the expense of Phantom Menace. And that's awesome because it's the first time anything associated with the second Star Wars trilogy actually entertained me.

December 19, 2009 at 3:41 AM  
Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

This sucker is making it's way around fast. I saw it at Metaphilm and Big Hollywood too. Can't wait to get to actually watch it.

December 19, 2009 at 1:22 PM  

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