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June 10, 2009
Comment of the Day: God Prefer Judgment - In Particular JUDGING YOU, VILE SINNER
Normally, I get kicked in the knees by foul heathen trolls snitting and snorting about this and that. Today, I received a delightful blurb from a Christian reacting to my review to Gran Torino.

You know its going to be a long day when you wake up and find a comment waiting to be moderated by someone who goes by the name of GOD PREFERS JUDGMENT. You read that handle and you know you're in for something. Here is GPJ's comment:

"I have not used your service much but I always liked your frank answers on what we should or should not see, but today, as I looked for what you might recommend, I found out, not only are you no different then the rest of the "Christian" reviewers, you are in fact, (Because of this one review,) THE WORST! Like ALL other “Christian” reviewers, you have decided the one and easiest thing of God’s heart He asks us to follow, is not necessary, which only makes the rest of God’s Heart even more unimportant to today's apostate Christian majority.

From what we gather from other reviewers who seem to "like" this filth, there are some TWENTY PLUS disrespectful, God hating, worldly mockeries of Jesus’ name, along with six plus uses of God “damning” people and other things. (Even by a perverted imitation of a hollywood priest.)Despite that, most reviewers stopped trying to count the use of the F word after FIFTY and guess it was about 75. All in all, the Christians you send to this filth will hear on average 3 filth's per minute. Great food for all those spiritless Christians?

Despite all that, your idea that Christians should spend money to see how bad the world has become is yet another atrocity to the Kingdom. How about (instead) you simply tell them to go to their nearest city and watch the naked perverts sodomize each other in the streets, (LEGALLY) during one of their Pride Parades. They might even be treated by witnessing IDIOT parents who bring their children to see this abomination. THAT might begin to wake people up and force them to face the fact, THEY ARE LOSING THE BATTLE WHILE sitting on their collective rear-ends playing the sickening “tolerant Christian, while their children and grandchildren are recruited by the sodomite agenda and DIE of AIDS. GOOD NEWS? I don’t think so!

We research this filth, and YES CHRISTIAN, before your children and grandchildren are RECRUITED and KILLED by the sodomites; IT'S TIME TO GET ANGRY AND FIGHT BACK!"

Uh...fight back? We really need to define exactly what you mean by fight back.

Wow, this review of mine must really suck. Its so bad its erased all of the good I've otherwise done. That's one crappy review!

In regards to the language, I didn't go in with a clipboard and start counting the foul remarks. They are there, that's for sure. The use of g-damn and using Jesus' name in vein is a part of the dialog of the film. Should I warn people of these usages? Probably. Then again, I figured R-Rating may be a tip off that there's questionable material displayed. The use of cursing is in context, these people would use it in real life and while I find it unfortunate it is used here, it is realistic. I also don't expect non-Christian film makers* to adhere to Biblical laws. My viewing someone using curse words isn't sinful. Its not sinful for me to recommend the film either given that I believe it will not lead anyone towards anything disruptive. Under GPJ's logic Christians shouldn't approve of Shakespeare, Hitchcock, Spielberg or other artists who have produced works that are not in line with strict Biblical teaching. Now, one can argue that using the Lord's name in vein is a big issue given that its one of those Commandments and everything. True. Which is why I try not to use the phrases myself and expect my Christian brothers and sisters to refrain as well.

Where GPJ loses me is equating seeing this film with having children view men having anal sex in public. I like hyperbole as much as the next guy but methinks you've stepped out a tad too far with this one. You're nailing me on the whole g-damn thing and then you veer off into the gay guys giving kids A.I.D.S. and we're all going to hell in a hand basket because I liked a movie. I'm guessing you're not the kind of person who is fun to take along on long road trips.

"your idea that Christians should spend money to see how bad the world has become" Good point, because the Bible doesn't refer to hardships, personal issues and the difficulty of living in a fallen world.

I can't believe you think the portrayal of Father Janovich was offensive. He was perfectly drawn and Christopher Carley executed the role flawlessly. Father Janovich was patient, persistent and helpful - in other words, he was what all religious leaders should be. He's not perfect and the film shows that, but he is also shown in a respectable light. It has been a very long time since a religious leader has been given an accurate portrayal in film. I'm not sure what you're expecting. But from your comment it would seem you're wanting film to present the world and its inhabitants in some idealized light that has nothing to do with reality.

In closing, I'll repeat my opinion that Gran Torino is a fantastic and moving film. God gave humans the ability to create, to explore and discuss the world that has been made for us. Eastwood's film gives one of the most intelligent and poignant portrayals of race relations in this country in decades. His artistry with this film has not received nearly enough praise and I honestly believe it is worthy of being viewed by any adult. Will there be people who won't like the film for various reasons? Yes. But for the most part I think people will find this to be an enjoyable and more importantly a truthful film.

By the way GPJ, God does not prefer judgment - he prefers obedience. He also prefers love. God is love. Instead of wallowing in anger, why not try extending forgiveness and love? "Fighting back" is a worldly response - showing patience and love and guiding people to the Lord is the proper course.

* - I have no idea what Eastwood's theological viewpoint is. For all I know he's in line to be the Pope.




Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

I'm glad I didn't start a blog like this. These kinds of comments could become disheartening. For what it's worth, I want you, Scott, to stick with it.

I've never seen anywhere in the Bible where God prefers judgment. He always prefers repentance and a relationship. I've got Gran Torino in my Netflix queue.

June 11, 2009 at 2:04 PM  

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