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May 28, 2009
Movie Trailer: Taking Woodstock
Be thankful its not presented in Smell-o-Vision.

I suppose if your culture has been raped and burned by corporate thugs leaving your generation with nothing to hang its artistic hat on, it makes sense to keep looking back at a bygone era for direction. This is sad. Honoring a movement that effected the changes that led to the slaughter of untold numbers of Cambodians and Vietnamese. It's cool though, American teens got to party in the mud, so everything good, man. I'm sure they won't discuss the larger global political aspect of these useful idiots, just stick with the marketing plan and sell the music and free love.

James Schamus (Hulk)
Director: Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain)
Actors: Liev Schreiber (Wolverine), Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen), Emile Hirsch (Milk), Paul Dano (There Will Be Blood), Imelda Staunton (Freedom Writers) and Eugene Levy (American Pie)

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Anonymous lilone421 said...

ahhhhhhhhhh moron, woodstock was NOT responsible for Vietnam THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT WAS! Woodstock celebrated freedom (you know that thing that talk about in the constitution) of expression.

May 29, 2009 at 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

I'll use small words so you get this.

We were in Vietnam, thanks to Kennedy and Johnson.

Our troops, many of which were from the middle and lower classes, were in the jungles while the wealthier college kids "celebrated freedom". Their self indulgence fronted a movement which helped keep our military from being able to fight the war in a way which would have resolved the conflict much sooner. Instead, the hippie generation produced a political movement which hindered our military, not that the generals didn't screw things as well, and led to the evacuation of our troops - thus leaving the Vietnamese and Cambodians to the pleasures of the communist regimes.

May 29, 2009 at 10:25 AM  
Anonymous K said...

Good to see the movie industry taking care to educate the young in important aspects of their country's legacy and tradition.

May 29, 2009 at 10:27 AM  

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