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February 16, 2009
What Dreams May Come (1998)
Should I see it?

I originally saw this movie before becoming a Christian and even thought it was screwed up back then. Looking at this with open eyes, it’s more of a cartoonish version of the afterlife than I remembered. Robin Williams is Chris who travels from Heaven into Hell to retrieve his wife who, consumed with grief has committed suicide. There’s so many theological issues littered throughout this New Age junk pile I’m not sure it’s possible to account for them all. This movie shows us the perfect post-modern version of Heaven – it’s all about me. The afterlife is the way you perceive it, you make your own Heaven or your own Hell. In Heaven you see things the way you want, to make you most happy. People are seen in the way that makes them most happy. God plays little if no role, we don’t have any relationship to him beyond what we choose, and on and on – me, me, me, more me now. Director Vincent Ward pulls out some interesting visuals but when dealing with the aspects of the afterlife clever set design doesn’t cut it.

Related Reviews:
Robin Williams movies
The Fisher King (1991)
The World According to Garp (1982)

Other Critic's Reviews:
Film Threat

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Anonymous Darrell said...

Has Robin Williams ever been in a good movie? "One Hour Photo" was decent, I guess, but honestly ... why is this moron a "movie star?"

February 18, 2009 at 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

Wha? You didn't like Patch Adams? Just kidding.

I know you disagree but I submit Dead Poets Society.

He's not a hack, he's a talented guy (see his appearance on Homicide: Life on the Streets for probably his best performance) he just has awful - TERRIBLE taste in projects. Hook? Insomnia? Robots? BICENTENNIAL MAN? Phew

February 18, 2009 at 11:34 AM  
Anonymous kita said...

wow...I thought the movie was EXCELLENT...are we talking about from an entertainment point of view or are we judging the movie by how much it doesn't match with the bible?

April 17, 2009 at 5:25 PM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

It loses on both points.

April 17, 2009 at 5:46 PM  

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